jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

Script - MongoDB online data refresh method

Here we have an usefull command to refresh data from a mongoDB database to another.
No extra space is required (no backup space required, it will be done on the fly by a pipe command).

mongodump --host <host_orig> --username=<user_orig> --password=<password_orig> --authenticationDatabase=admin -d <db_orig> --archive --numParallelCollections=2| mongorestore --host=<host_dest> --username=<user_dest> --password=<password_dest> --authenticationDatabase=admin --nsFrom=<db_orig>.* --nsTo=<db_dest>.* --archive --numParallelCollections 2 --numInsertionWorkersPerCollection 2 2>&1


<host_orig> = Original server ip address
<user_orig> = Original username with backup privileges
<password_orig> = Original username password
<db_orig> = Original database name

<host_dest> = Destination server ip address
<user_dest> = Destination username with restore privileges
<password_dest> = Destination username password
<db_dest> = Destination database name (can be different from original database name)

We can use this data refresh method in multiple situations, by example, if we want to rename a database, or create a dev environment from production, ...

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